Love Story

I love our story. It might not be the most romantic and lovey-dovey story out there. But it's ours. And I love it.

The handsome Joshua Stephens and I grew up about a mile apart from each other
in sunny San Marcos, CA.
We went to the same elementary school. Middle school. And high school.
But we did not actually meet until he was a senior at Mission Hills High School.

He was the cute senior on the football team.
And I was just a junior.

Through common friends we met and would always be together in our tight little group.
For that whole year we were nothing but best friends.

Soon after Josh graduated he joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
And I believe that is when it all started!

Over summer we would spend more and more time together.
And some of that time would be just the two of us!

I had the biggest crush on him and was convinced that he was into somebody else. 
I was invited to go to Disneyland with a friend.
When we were in the car and ready to leave I thought I was going to be a 3rd wheel all day.
At the happiest place on earth. Awesome.
Little did I know that he and my friends boyfriend at the time had something up their sleeves.
On our way to the freeway he spotted a "hitch hiker" on the side of the road and decided to pick him up!
And it was Josh!!
I had no idea I was on my first date with Josh!
And it was one of the best days of my life.

We dated all through my senior year.
I had to convince him to attend my senior prom with me.

And it was a dream come true!

When summer came back around we were completely in love.
We were also nearing his the one year mark of him getting baptized.
That meant it was time to more seriously think about him going on a mission.
He always wanted to go but now he had to decide between leaving his family and education for 2 years or serving the Lord for 2 years.

A couple months later he got a letter in the mail calling him to the 
Philippines Manila Mission.
He left on August 27 of 2012.

He served while I patiently waited and wrote him weekly emails.

Those 2 years were the longest 2 years of my life. 
But they were worth every second.

Finally the wait was over. He was coming home!

This was a dream come true.
There are so many stores of girlfriends who wait for their boyfriend and it doesn't work out.
I was so scared this would be the case for us.

But we were more in love than ever!
About a month and a half after he returned home
I had the wonderful idea to go to the pumpkin patch so we could carve some pumpkins together!

On the way home he asked
"Do you want to make this a competition? We wont look at each other's pumpkin until we're done!"
The competitive side of me loved this.

I thought my pumpkin was pretty dang good.
I was prepared to win!
Until I saw his...

By the time I saw his pumpkin and turned to look at him-
he was already on his knee.

I know he said a bunch of super cute things.
But I can't remember any of them.
I just remember how in love I was with him at that moment!

Three months later we were sealed together for time and all eternity
in the San Diego Temple.

And it was a dream come true!


  1. I got the chills reading this post! SO FREAKING CUTE! And I love the pumpkin proposal, so so cute!!! And he did a really good job with that pumpkin haha my husband and I grew up 5 minutes apart and in the same stake and STILL didn't meet until we were seniors in high school :)
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

    1. Thank you!! I'm glad somebody likes it besides me! haha He is so proud of the way he proposed and of course I loved it! It's so funny how somebody could be so close to their husbands and it take so long to meet!
