Monday, October 19, 2015

Where did the weekend go?!

For reals.
Where did it go?

I'll admit this weekend wasn't the productive weekend I envisioned myself having every week. (Let's be we ever actually do everything on our to-do list?)
I was planning on vacuuming, organizing the kitchen, washing the bed sheets...and a whole lot more.
None of it got done!

Instead Josh and I got to sleep in! It was cool enough in the morning where we could just cuddle in bed with our comforter. Usually I hate my comforter in the mornings because I can't stay in bed and be comfy and am forced to get ready for work. So Saturday morning was wonderful! We finished watching an episode of Revenge that I fell asleep in the middle of the night before. Then we watched another episode...and another... We were on the last season of the show and we ended up finishing it all around noon!

Then we started a new show! The Blacklist. And it is so good! (Thank you Netflix!)

It was just the most perfect day ever!

Comfy blankets
Sound of rain coming from outside
It was the year mark from the day he proposed to me!

It was such a needed day. And the weekend wasn't over!

On Sunday we slept in then got ready for church after a quick breakfast. The gym floor of the church building had gotten resurfaced this past week...making the building full of strong fumes. Since we always get to church right as it is about to start, we had to sit in the overflow. AKA the gym. Where all of the fumes are. Yay. I made it though the first half of sacrament meeting just fine. But then the fumes started giving me the worst headache! So...we left early so I could sleep it off. And sleep it off, I did! I think I took a 2 hour nap. And it was awesome!

Finally 5:30 rolled around which meant family dinner! Oh how I love family dinner! My extended family does this twice a month. A bunch of us get together and eat delicious home made food. Which mean homemade rolls this week! Homemade rolls are such a weakness of mine..

Josh and I got home in our food comas and got to relax with each other for the rest of the evening! This weekend was the best! I am so grateful to be able to relax like I did these past couple of days.

Maybe instead of making a to-do list for this Saturday I'll cuddle and watch Netflix all day again. Don't judge me if I do!

Simply Stephens


  1. This is literally my idea of the perfect weekend! Screw the to-do list, Netflix in bed is much more fun haha!

    1. Seriously though! Maybe not every weekend...because I wouldn't get anything done... but it is SO needed to have a weekend like this every once in a while!
