Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Meals

So I have always tried to plan out my meals for the week or hopefully a couple weeks in advance to reduce trips to the grocery store and to save money.
Let's be honest. It doesn't always happen though I am getting a whole lot better!

I use to just write them down on a sticky note to remind myself what I had planned. But sometimes the sticky note gets lost...or Josh doesn't feel like eating what I had planned for that night.

When we moved up here to beautiful Provo, Utah my mom had given us a gift card to Tai Pan Trading Co. to start decorating our new home with! Definitely in my top 10 favorite stores! I brought Josh along with me because sometimes he has an opinion on that kind of stuff. He spotted this giant menu chalkboard and fell in love with it. So I let him buy it for us! And it has been so amazing! Every Sunday night I clean off the board and write what I have planned for the upcoming week. This helps because he can see and anticipate what I'll be making for the week. It makes me a whole lot more accountable for dinners! It also  would be pretty hard to lose it if it's hanging on the wall in our kitchen!

SO! This is the menu for this week!
Yeah, yeah, I know I spelled burrito wrong. I was just waay too lazy to redo it.

Remember a few posts back when I talked all about how I love simple things? Well I feel like this week is the perfect representation of that. I mean think about it:

I pre-make my dough and just freeze it so all I have to do is pull it out of the freezing in the AM
Breakfast burritos? Eggs. Cheese. Sausage. Bacon. Tortilla. Salsa. DONE.
As long as I keep using store bought Alfredo sauce this meal will continue to be simple.
I have the best stroganoff recipe that seriously only takes like 10 minutes. I love it.
Chicken Cordon Bleu may sound fancy...but that's because you don't know that I crock pot it. 
Okay so my stuffed shells recipe isn't so simple. But it's delicious. So who cares.
Every other week my extended family gets together for Sunday dinner. So I don't have to cook:)

Told you it's simple!

So tonight I am planning on putting a little bit of sauce, a lot of cheese, some pepperoni, and some bacon on my pizza. What do you put on yours??

Audrey Jo


  1. I try to do this every week, and we always just end up having salad for dinner hahahaha. You're so good!!! See you tonight!


    1. I don't think Josh would eat dinner if I planned on salads...he's so needy...hahaha
