Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Recap!

I have been away from the blogging world for far too long!
But I'm back! Lucky you!

Josh and I had the wonderful privilege of flying home to San Diego last week for Christmas!
Because this was our first married Christmas together...we chose to exchange gifts the night before we left. It was so wonderful! This season we were able to think of new Christmas traditions to continue with our family in years to come!
One tradition is to get matching Christmas pjs (This one was my idea)! I wanted to get us awesome pjs but didn't want to put the money towards them. So I thought, to myself, that we would just start this tradition  next year. Then when I got home from work that night and it was time to look in our stockings...I pulled a pair of Olaf pajama pants out of my stocking!! I held them up and turned to look at Josh and he was already holding a pair of his own that he hid behind the couch! He is seriously perfect for me!

We flew into San Diego early Wednesday morning and came home late Monday night. Making it a too-short trip of 5 days! Our trip was full of family time- both with Josh's family and with mine. We had delicious meals and wonderful shopping trips...lazy naps and crazy family parties. We had it all! 

Josh's family celebrates Christmas on Christmas Eve with all of his extended family. We drove down to El Cajon to his uncles house where we had a delicious dinner and the annual white elephant gift exchange! We brought some salt and pepper shakers shaped like chickens and a marshmallow gun and we ended up with a Justin Bieber singing toothbrush and a giant mug with some dark hot chocolate mix!
I stole Cards Against Humanity from Josh's brother and was so excited about it! Until the same brother stole it back from me...I was so mad.
Something that I absolutely love about the Stephens family Christmas party is that the Christmas story is always read. Apparently they have been doing this for more than 50 years. Such an awesome tradition!

Christmas day gets a little crazy with us. A good kind of crazy, of course! We started the morning with breakfast at my mom's house, followed by visiting at my dad's house! From there we all went to my Oma and Opa's house!
This year for a gift exchange with Josh's family we figured we would all save some money and only buy 2 gifts and exchange them white elephant style! It was such a fun way to mix it up and save some money!

This Christmas season has been so wonderful. Josh and I spent last Christmas engaged, so we still spent Christmas with each other's family but this year was so much more special! 
I love my husband and I love that he was born Christmas Day so I can celebrate him during my favorite holiday season!
I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday!

Audrey Jo

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