Friday, December 2, 2016

Intramural champs!!

Josh is on a team for intramural flag football with a couple friends this semester.
Apparently last year this team didn't win any games! This was not the case this year!!

One of his friends on the team happens to be his best friend that he played football with in high school! They had so much fun getting to play together again.

In the normal season I think they only actually won 1 game. They won another one by forfeit and somehow they still were able to make it to the middle division of playoffs!

Earlier this week it snowed a whole bunch and for the semifinal game they shoveled just the parts of the field that had the lines. And it was only thirty degrees outside! It didn't really surprise me that I was the only wife there from our team. But even though it was freezing cold (literally) they won!

For the championship game last night I was so thrilled that 3 other wives, a sister, and a daughter of the other players came! Even though it was still freezing cold, it was much more enjoyable to sit in the cold with others:)

And guess what...they won!! they all played so well and it was so fun to watch!
Josh got a touchdown the first play of the it was a great start for them!

Josh was so nervous for the game but later told me that once he scored that touchdown he felt so pumped that the nerves all went away!

So proud of my man! He wouldn't stop talking about the game all night!

Audrey Jo

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Planning a months worth of meals...

Planning meals is something I was not always passionate about. I thought it was pointless because "how do I know what I'll want to ea in 3 weeks?"

I am here to tell you that I have changed!

When I first got married I didn't decide what I would make for dinner until I was already hungry, which mean Josh has been hungry for the last hour. Then I would have to take time to make sure I had all of the ingredients. Then I had to start cooking. We ended up having a lot of our meals at 9:30-10 at night. Woah.

And luckily we lived across the street from a grocery store because I would literally have Josh run (much faster than driving) to the store to get an ingredient I didn't have.

I started to plan out a week of meals so I wouldn't have to go to the store so often because it was getting expensive! I also found that I was wasting a ton of food and it was not good!

When we moved to Utah I took it one step further and started planning out meals for a month! I was so nervous at first. But this is how I managed to do it:

1. I get my notebook and write down the days of the month. Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month I get together with extended family for dinner so I write that on those days before I do anything else. Same with any holidays that include dinners ( Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July...)

2. I get every Wednesday off from work and I don't work Saturday or Sunday. I write this next to the dates so I can plan better. On these days I don't have to worry about what time I'll get home from work so I'm able to make my meals that will take a little more time or energy. I also try to put my easiest/quickest meals on Mondays because I know I wont want to spend too much time in the kitchen those days.

3. I get out all of my recipes and last months meal plan. Every time I try a new recipe or change something in an old recipe I have Josh rate it on a scale of 1-10. I write his rating on my recipe so I'm able to look back and see what his favorite meals were. I try not to put all of my "10's" in the same week just as I try to spread out the 6's and 7's. (I usually don't make it again if it's less than a 6 or 7...)

4. If I am trying any new recipes this month I try to highlight it or mark that it's a new recipe so I can make sure to not skip that one! At the start of our marriage I would make the same 10 meals over and over again. Josh finally spoke up and asked me to try something new. So I don't skip those! (Obviously I'm not trying anything new this month...)

When I go grocery shopping I try to get all of my non perishable items at the beginning of the month. So that is when I buy my frozen chicken, ground beef, bread... all that jazz. Then each week or every other week (depending on what I'll need) I'll buy the more perishable things like milk, fruit, veggies, etc.
This is what has saved me the most money! I cram as much into my freezer as possible and use the rest up before it goes bad. It has been a great system for me so far! But now I just need to get a deep freezer so I can fit even more!!

I've realized that even though I have meal planned, doesn't mean I need to cook it that night. If I'm not in the mood for Teriyaki chicken, I can make mac n cheese and it's no big deal because I already bought all of the ingredients. I can swap things around and it wont matter! In fact I usually end up sticking to what I planned for the week but making them all in a completely different order. But that's okay! I'm not wasting any food by doing that. And that is pretty awesome!
I am able to make healthier meals for us because it is all getting planned out ahead of time.
And we are not wasting food! Josh and I are able to take leftovers as lunch the next day. This also saves tons of money because we aren't going out and buying lunch while at work or school.

What do you do to meal plan or meal prep?? Although I love the system that I have created, I would love your feedback and tips!

Audrey Jo

Friday, November 4, 2016

Halloween 2016

I love Halloween. I love dressing up and going out!

Luckily the office I work for gets super into Halloween. Remember last year?!
Last year we didn't win best office...unfortunately. So we were pretty determined to win this year!

This year the options for dressing up were: Star Wars, comic books, and Peter Pan.
Peter Pan tooootally won! (Yay!)

Here's a close(er) shot of my make up that my super talented friend did! (I could never do it that well on my own!)

"Team Take Down" The 3 of u work for Todd Seamons, the best PA I've ever known and one of the greatest people I've ever known! Seriously, you should meet this guy.

Now to start preparing for next Halloween! Any ideas??

Audrey Jo

Thursday, November 3, 2016

How to save money (and make your money last!)

So when Josh and I got married we had no problems with money.
I was working part time as a hostess at a restaurant and Josh was working as a bellman/valet at a hotel

I wasn't making much but it was enough to pay for groceries and gas (which was a lot considering we were both driving 30 minutes to get to work).
Josh was making tons in tips at his job and that gave us more than enough for rent. We could go out to eat as much as we wanted to, we could go shopping, and not have to plan out our purchases!

When we moved up to Utah we knew that my income was going to be our sole income, for a while at least.
It was definitely a lot harder to make ends meet. Although it isn't fun having to watch what I spend, it is a skill I will always keep with me!

Here is what I do to save money and make it last:

Plan your meals for an entire month! I will be making a whole post devoted to this concept because I am that passionate about it! I use to think it was too hard to plan out a whole month worth of meals until I tried it. I save time and money by buying things in bulk at the beginning of each month and I am able to motivate myself to try new recipes by planning it into my month. (Josh loves when I try new recipes!)

Shop discount and thrift stores Josh has a thing for Nike. He refuses to wear any other kind of athletic apparel. Did you know that they sell Nike at Ross? The other day I got him some Nike leggings (are they still called that when they're in the guys section?) that were originally $90...for only $19! And a Nike shirt that was nearly $20 off! I've gotten a lot of our decor from Ross. I got one of my favorite coats from a thrift store. There's good stuff out there, you just need to spend some time to search for it!

Shop off season I try to buy all of my bathing suits in the fall and winter when they are on sale. Winter coats? Buy them in the spring when stores are trying to clear their racks to make room. I always go to Target to buy "Halloween" candy the day after Halloween-it's still fall, the colors are the same...why is it on sale? Who knows. But I totally take advantage of it!

Don't shop a sale just because it's a sale How many times do you go shopping just because there's a sale? I have and I sometimes do! But why go shopping when you don't need anything? Save that money for when you do need it! Of course there are exceptions to that rule: when I go grocery shopping and they are cereal on sale, I'll buy it because I know Josh will be needing cereal the next week. But I don't go shoe shopping just for the fun of it.

Don't use a gift card just because you have one Target gift cards are one of my favorite things ever. When we got married we got tons of gift cards to Target and Bed Bath and Beyond. I didn't go out shopping there just because we could. I waited until we needed something to use the gift card. This came in handy when we moved to Utah and needed to buy a lot a microwave, things for our second bathroom, etc.

Find ways to make a little extra A popular way to make a little extra money here is to donate plasma! It takes about an hour to donate plasma and you're able to make $25-30 each donation-they pay you for your time (and you are helping people! They are able to make medicine with the plasma that is donated).

Sell your old things As long as you take good care of your stuff, why not try to sell it once you're done with it? We take our old clothes to Plato's Closet when we don't wear them often enough. There are tons of Facebook pages that you are able to sell things on. I'm part of 3 "indoor yard sales" and take full advantage of it with selling things AND with buying things.

Plan out your purchases This is a new thing for me. Josh and I both get paid every 2 weeks. I made a list of things that we "need" and things that we "want." I'm able to look at this list and decide when to buy things. For example, when I knew my car registration was coming up, I was able to plan when the best week would be to pay for that. If there isn't a "need" I am able to decide if it is a good week to get a "want."

What do you think? Pretty easy little changes, huh? It was definitely a transition to go from buying what I wanted to needing to plan out my purchases. But I am so glad I've been able to learn these things.

What ways do you save money? What have you learned over the years and how do you stick to your budget??

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Fall has arrived! (almost...)

I love fall!
I never really understood the hype with fall until we moved to Utah last year. Fall is so beautiful! The temp finally isn't 100 degrees every day. The crisp morning air. The leaves changing from green to all shades of red, orange and yellow! Football season. Getting to wear boots, scarves, and sweaters without having to scrape snow and ice off my windows yet!
I love it all!

Last year around this time I was just starting to become better friends with the girls I work with. We went to a haunted house together and it was awesome!

This year I'm able to call these girls some of my best friends! We are already planning on doing fun fall things together. And it is going to be so fun!

So here is my 2016 Fall To-Do List

1. Go to a pumpkin patch. Josh and I have these things called "Pass of all passes" that gets us into things for free! (It was only $15 and is good to use ALL year!). This pass gets us into a pumpkin patch for free! Of course there are things you need to pay for once you're inside...but admission is free! I love mostly free dates :)

2. Drive through Provo Canyon to see the changing leaves. doesn't have the be Provo canyon. Pretty much just any canyon where the trees are all around us! My grandparents have a cabin that is in the middle of tons and tons of trees. I hear it is the most beautiful drive up to it in the fall!

3. Go on a few more hikes before the snow hits and I just want to stay inside and cuddle. There are a few hikes I've been wanting to do so I better hurry up and do them before it gets too cold! Last winter was so hard for me! I was so cold that I didn't want to go outside at all. Maybe this year will be different since I know what to expect with winter. We'll see.

4. Carve a pumpkin. I guess this kind of goes along with going to a pumpkin patch. But Josh and I didn't carve one last year and I was pretty bummed about it. We'll be sure to make up for it this year!

5. Go to a BYU football game. Last year I wasn't able to go to one even though Josh was at every home game (he worked with BYU recruiting and got in free). I love the atmosphere of football games and I want to go to one this year!

6. Run for 45 minutes without stopping. Again...something I want to do before the snow hits! I miss the days when I could just go out and run 8 miles just because I could. I remember looking at my running schedule and being excited that I would only be running 6 miles that day. Because that's so easy, right? (HA!). I want to get my endurance close to what it was when I was running everyday.

7. Take family pictures. We had some taken last year by a dear friend and we loved them! I'd love to have some done every year to look back on.

8. Finish Unbroken. I've been reading this book for a few weeks no and I LOVE it! But for some reason I keep finding other things to do instead of reading it. I will finish it!

9. Go fishing. My dad is planning on coming up here in a few weeks and we're going fishing with him! We're so excited!

10. Run a 5k. Josh and I love running 5ks together. We have run 2 so far and are hoping to run one again for Halloween! They are so fun, especially when the pressure is off and we do it just to have fun.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I'm back!!

So I've been pretty MIA for a while...but I'm back!

Josh and I recently returned from an amazing trip to San Diego. While there my mom mentioned that I haven't blogged in a I decided to start up again. I miss being close to family and I just think this is a great way to keep them a little updated on the fun adventures we go on here!

On our trip we got to spend a ton of time with family. We babysat my new niece for a day (it was awesome!!). My mom taught me how to make a dress for my niece. My mother in law taught me how to make the best ribs every and a family recipe of meatloaf! We had so much fun and I cannot believe how short the trip felt!

So to start back are some pictures from the trip!

There were other pictures that I wanted to share but they don't want to that's cool... 
Audrey Jo

Thursday, March 3, 2016

I'm feelin 22!

Actually. I'm not feelin' 22 quite yet...but I'm sure it will hit me eventually!

Yesterday I celebrated my 22 year on this earth. It was a great day!
It started with my favorite thing ever. Not waking up to an alarm, right next to my husband. Best combination ever! He made me the most delicious breakfast of cinnamon french toast and bacon! (He makes me so proud!)

After I dropped Josh off at school I went to work out with Ashley-our usual Wednesday morning workout. It was leg day (barf). But I felt so good afterwards! So good that I went to the gym to run more! That only lasted a mile before my legs gave up on me though.

When I picked Josh back up from school we went to the mall and walked around for a bit before heading to Nothing Bundt Cakes for my free birthday bundt cake! I got lemon, of course. We made our way back to Provo just in time dinner at The Macaroni Grill. We both got Chicken Parmesan and it was soo delicious! Their bread is my favorite!

The best part about this was free! I'm convinced that free food tastes better. We were given gift cards here for our wedding...that never got used and I work at the best office ever that gave me a gift card there just for helping out on my day off! It was the best!

We went home with full bellies and just relaxed all night (after Josh studied for his midterms)!

And seriously...Nothing Bundt Cakes is the best. Ever.

Happy 22nd birthday to me!!

Audrey Jo

Sunday, February 28, 2016



Once upon a time Josh and I drove over to Lou and Ryan's house for Sunday dinner. In our hands we had salad and the game of Taboo.
We got there at 4:03 pm. Just a few minutes later Heather&Keenan and McKaylyn&Jake arrived!
We ate a delicious dinner, mingled, ate cake/brownies, and played Club 7.
It was the greatest Sunday!

We have decided that we're family now and that this is just the first of many family dinners together!
This was a hilarious bunch of friends and I cannot wait until next week!

Josh wanted to be in the picture twice...
Allhenlarsphens is our family name! All of our last names combined (in alphabetical order, of course) and Heather is our mom, although she needs to remember to look at the brownie instructions while baking instead of the cake instructions...

Check back next week after we host Saturday night's dinner! Wii and Costco pizza are on the nights agenda!

Audrey Jo

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Smoothie prep Wednesday?

So Josh and I (mostly me) are kind of obsessed with these green smoothies.

When we go to the gym in the morning before work and school its easy to make them for breakfast. But if we don't wake up early...I just want to stay in bed for as long as I possibly can while still being at work in time!

Today I decided to prep my smoothies ahead of time! And I think this is going to be one of my greatest ideas! 

They are really the easiest smoothies ever. Here is the wonderfully simple recipe:

2 handfuls of spinach
2 handfuls of frozen fruit
1 frozen banana
Orange juice and water (I don't really measure this. So I have no idea how much I put in it.)
About 1 Tbsp of honey

And that's it!

So to help prep all I did was portion the spinach, frozen fruit, and the banana in little baggies. So now all I have to do is take it out of the freezer and add the liquids to it!

Is it weird that I'm actually excited to wake up tomorrow just to make this?

Audrey Jo

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

No dessert until you finish your veggies!

"No dessert until you finish your veggies!"
This has always been something I have wanted to say! Only...I thought I would be saying to my kids. No my husband.

Vegetables are not a usual thing in our home. We just don't love them! (And when I say we I mostly mean me.)
Veggies just aren't the first thing on my mind when I think about what I'm going to make with my dinner.
But tonight. That changed!

I know...I is not the most exciting dinner (although it was very delicious).
But the point is...when I sat down at the beginning of the month I actually thought about what veggies I would make with these meals.
It's a work in progress. But I am proud of myself for this! 

I usually just sneak spinach into my smoothies in the morning...
If you have any tips on how to make veggies yummy please send them my way!! Josh and I would both really appreciate it:)

P.S. Josh totally did finish his green beans just so he could have cookies tonight.

Audrey Jo

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Harry Potter Marathon

One day my boss had the fantastic idea that we should all get together to have a movie marathon in his basement! He has a big 'ol comfy couch with a big 'ol comfy love sac sitting in front of a big projector screen. So obviously I was way excited for this.
We had a vote at work between Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Harry Potter to see which we should watch. Naturally....Harry Potter won!
We all signed up for a snack to bring a lot with us and the boss's wife made some delicious burgers!

We met up after work and got started! Everybody was super pumped for the first movie. Then since we started this after work people decided to leave because they were tired or had already planned to do something else with their Friday night. So it was down to like 8 of us for the second movie.  

Then more people left after that... Josh and I were the only ones left with the Dr and their kids! 
During the third movie everybody but me fell asleep! I mean...Josh and my boss were practically cuddling...

It was a pretty awesome night! And we're planning on doing this with more with other movies!

Maybe they'll actually stay awake for those...

Audrey Jo

Monday, February 1, 2016

January update!

First of it already February?! Wasn't it just Christmas? Time sure is flying by!

Anyways. I thought a fantastic way to keep up with my goals is to keep track of how I am doing each month. And somehow we are already done with the first month!

So here they are:
1. Exercise at least twice a week. I have actually been really good about this one! (Minus the week I was sick at the beginning of January.) Josh and I have been waking up to go to the gym before work/school-that means waking up at 5:30 every day!! ahhhh! And I have a new workout buddy! Ashley and I have been working out together after work a few times each week. It is so much more more fun to suffer with a friend by your side.

2. Be a better homemaker. This one is tricky because it's not an all or nothing kind of thing. But I have been so much better at cleaning up around our home, planning out meals, and actually finishing laundry the same day I start it! (The clothes are washed and folded. But for some reason it takes a while for me to actually take them upstairs to put them away!)

3. No more soda! Unless I have a stomach ache! I am so proud of myself for this one! When I was making the rules for this one I was not too strict. My grandma makes this delicious grape juice with 7 Up in it-which I am allowing myself to drink. And I told Josh that I was allowed to have Root Beer Floats. I am allowing myself those because I don't love them. So if we happen to have them at a party that would totally be okay. So I had one this month! But no Sprite (not even when my stomach was hurting!)

4. Learn how to use my Canon Rebel. I didn't get to use my camera tooo much this month. But we did take it when we went out our drive yesterday, and when we went to the Ice Castles in Midway for our anniversary. These were super fun (especially the Ice Castles) with my camera because I got to play around with the lighting to get some pretty awesome pictures!

This doesn't show how awesome the Ice Castles really are. I just think it's a funny picture:)

Wish me luck this month!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Our Sunday drive

After church today (well after my nap after church today...) I convinced Josh to go on a drive with me! This is something I've been wanting to do for a while now and since we got some beautiful new snow yesterday...what better time, right?
Last month we dropped my brother off in Heber and it was such a beautiful drive that I was convinced we had to take the drive again just for fun.
So that is where we went! We just drove and drove until we saw a beautiful field of snow that I could *try* to jump around in. The snow was up to my knees. It was crazy. Crazy beautiful!

I loved my Sunday adventure with my husband. Isn't he just so handsome?!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday's Meal: Teriyaki Chicken!

So I have this delicious crock pot teriyaki chicken recipe. Although it is delicious, it isn't my favorite to make because I feel like it is so much work! There is a lot of prep for it...which means I have to wake up early to do that before I go to work. (Sometimes I get crock pot meals ready and have Josh put it all in the crock pot when he gets home from school.)

But lucky for me I found a new Teriyaki chicken recipe that is seriously the easiest thing ever! It seriously takes like 10 minutes. Both times that I have made this I have just been waiting for the rice to finish so we could eat!

All it takes is:
Chicken breast (I cut mine into strips so it cooks faster!)
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 Tbsp honey
3 garlic cloves-minced
1 tsp chopped ginger

And to cook it you basically just mix everything together (I let the chicken sit in the mixture for a couple minutes before pouring it into the pan) and stir it all around until the chicken is cooked completely and the sauce turns into a thick glaze.
And of course...serve it with some rice! And if you want it to look pretty you can add green onions and sesame seeds! (I'm boring so I don't.)

There ya go! The easiest Teriyaki Chicken ever! You're welcome :)
Happy Monday!
Audrey Jo

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Go me!

I have always enjoyed working out. It never really mattered what I was doing as long as I was active. Hiking, running, Zumba classes, weights...I love it all! I usually love one thing for a couple months then I move on to the next thing that I love.
I was say into running for a good 7 months. In that time I ran 3 half marathons and was training for a full marathon. The only reason I stopped was because my back completely gave out on me... But I hope to get back into it once I can stand outside for more than 4 minutes without freezing my butt off :)

Lately I have been into this workout program that is slowly killing me. The program is set up for a Monday-Wednesday-Friday workout with cardio for the other days. You think that would be easy, right? Somehow it is so easy to skip one of those 3 days of workout.
It's rough. I'm in at work at 7:45 and get home anytime between 5:30 and 6:30. I get home, I make dinner, then I get lazy and don't want to move for the rest of the night!

The other day at work a couple of us (who are all trying to do the same workout program) decided we should do the workouts together!
We have done this twice this week already and had made an awesome plan for the weeks to come!

I am so excited to not only be working out again, but to be able to do it with my friends!
I am sore, but I am loving it!

This is Ash and I after we survived our first workout together. Can you tell we were exhausted?

Audrey Jo

Saturday, January 16, 2016

1 year anniversary!

Today Josh and I celebrate our 1 year anniversary! Wow, how time flies!!
This year has been the best of my life. I love being married to my best friend. As cliche as it sounds...we totally complete each other. We have the same random thoughts and share the same random dance moves! At the same time...he surprises me every day with something new! It has been such an adventure growing with him these last 365 days.

In the last year...
I finished school and started working in my field right away!
Got an Xbox
Went to Disneyland 3 times, Safari Park 1 time
Josh applied to BYU and got in!
We traveled across the country to attend a wedding together
And drove or flown to/from Utah 6 times
Moved to Utah!
Josh thought me how to solve a Rubik's cube!
Been to 4 different gyms
Moved 3 times
Traded in our Xbox for a Wii U
Been to 5 different temples
And of course...We got married!

We love being married and we can't wait for what our second year of marriage will bring!

Here are pictures of some of the highlights (in no particular order), for your enjoyment!

Josh's flag football team after a faahhreeezing game.
 Disneyland and they're churros. Obviously Josh was not ready for this.
 Rhode Island for Tim's wedding!
 Seven Peaks before BYU started
 My first day of my new job and Josh's first day at BYU!
 Josh's first time donating blood. He was such a champ!
 My first attempt at cutting Josh's hair myself. The finished product looked good! But when I started buzzing I started freaking out at how short I was cutting it!
 Aleigh Joy took family pics of us!
 Our first time seeing the lights at Temple Square in Salt Lake City!
 A Christmas party hosted by the Moores!
 Our first time sledding, New Years Eve.
 The Eve of our Anniversary at the Ice Castles in Midway
  Our beautiful wedding day!

Audrey Jo

Monday, January 11, 2016

Sick as a dog

This weekend I have been so down in the dumps with a bug.

It all started Friday when I was super excited for a double date! I had a killer headache but we were going bowling! So I forced my headache to take a back seat to the night. (Bowling was awesome by the way! I beat Josh one of the games!!)

Saturday I had the lovely chance to lay around all day. Expect for our Costco trip. Until we went to a wedding reception. And another headache kicked in.
What made this headache especially bad is that I really wanted to play Monopoly!! And lets be honest can't start monopoly with a headache because the natural headache you get from playing the game would make it completely miserable! Then the body aches kicked in.
Saturday night I think I was awake until 2:30 am.

Sunday morning I woke up on the couch at 9:15. Our ward starts at 9. Poor Josh probably didn't even think it was worth trying to wake me up.
I spent my Sunday alternating between naps and sitting on the couch motionless with Josh.

This morning I had a 7 am meeting at work and I was going to be trained on something new. So I had to go!
Well I made it though the meeting and about an hour and a half after that I found myself driving home and climbing into bed for the day.

So this is my day:

  • The comfiest socks I own
  • Hot cocoa
  • Binge watching New Girl
  • My bed
Now back to watching my show:) 
Happy Monday!!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Goals for 2016

I have never been too into making goals for the year. I think this is because I always forget about them or want to change them...or whatever other excuse I have at the moment.

So I decided to write them down. And if people are reading them it makes me more accountable to reach them, right? Sure!

Here goes nothing!

1. Exercise at least twice a week. This sounds like the easiest goal ever. But it has been so hard for me, especially in these freezing cold winter months! I also want to get back into running

2. Be a better homemaker. I want to be more adventurous with my cooking and actually clean up the dishes after dinner. I want to clean up a little before I go to bed, it really isn't that hard but my bed is just so much more appealing!

3. No more soda! Unless I have a stomach ache! Sprite is my go-to when I have a stomach ache that won't go away. I'm not ready to let go of that quite yet! This means no more Sodalicious runs at work...

4. Learn how to use my Canon Rebel. I am obsessed with this camera and I have only had it for a week! I just want to learn tricks to make it even more fun to use!

There ya have it! My goals for this year!

Do you have any goals?

Audrey Jo

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Eve of the New Year

Our plans for this new years eve was kind of up in the air for a bit. We weren't sure what we wanted to do to celebrate or if we were going to do anything to celebrate.

That all changed when my friends at work invited us to go sledding with them after work! They also planned on hot tubbing and playing games all night until the New Year! (We only worked a half day on New Years Eve. How many times have I told you that I work at the best office ever?)
So after work I headed home to dig out our snow clothes then we were off to go sledding!
We went to a friends parents house for the sledding because they had a 4 wheeler to pull the sleds and a ton of land to do it on!
Josh and I have never been sledding so we were SO excited for this! First we tried both of us on the same sled. I think we only made it like 30 feet before we fell off. So the next time around we were on 2 separate sleds and that worked out much better!
We had SO much fun! The snow was so fluffy and there was so much of it! Josh just kept throwing it everywhere because it was so fluffy...

I'm pretty sure it was like 15 degrees by the time we were all done sledding. It was fahreeezing.

After the sledding we all met up at their apartment and went to the hot tub. Have you ever been in a hot tub when it's 15 degrees outside? It. Was. So. Cold.
We played Nertz (which I completely suck at), Spoons, Taboo, and Telestrations.
And when the new year came around we brought it in with confetti poppers, silly string, and new years kisses!

I think it's safe to say that we had an awesome New Years Eve!
Now it's just a matter of keeping our New Years Resolutions!

Audrey Jo