Sunday, November 8, 2015

So Very Thankful Part 1

I absolutely love November! Everybody is starting to get into the Holiday Spirit and I think people are generally just happier this time of year.
November is especially awesome because it is a time of year we can focus on what we are thankful for. It is so easy to get caught up in the world thinking of all of the things you want and "need" so it is so refreshing to have an excuse to sit back and just be thankful.

So here are a few things I am thankful for this year:

1. My husband

This year has been one for the books. The main reason being that we were married mid January and got to start our eternity together. That was a day that I waited years for. It was a beautiful sunny (80 degree) day in San Diego and it could not have been more perfect. Being married to him has been the best time of my life. It's so cliche...but I love getting to hang out everyday with my best friend. He is the greatest!

2. School
(Josh is working with BYU recruiting and gets to go to ALL of the home games!)

I know, I know. School sucks. But it actually doesn't! This year I graduated from medical assisting school and have started working in the medical field. And I love it! School is the worst while you are attending it with all of the studying and hours spent in class. All I could think of the whole time is how I just wanted to be done so I could finally start working. Now that I'm working I miss school! I love learning new things that are relevant to what I'm studying. I could seriously sit in an anatomy class all day long and be so happy. School is also what brought my wonderful husband and I to Utah! Soon after we got married he applied to BYU and got accepted! We made our trek up here and we have loved it ever since! Especially because we get to be close to so many of our friends!

3. Medicine

This past week I have had a serious case of "the dizzies." Friday when I got home from work I was completely exhausted so I went upstairs to lay down until Josh got home from school. While I was laying there...not moving at all..I got way dizzy! I thought I was going crazy and just really tired so I shrugged it off and I was fine the rest of the night. But this kept going all week! Throughout the day I would get dizzy while just standing there or walking around. Pretty much any time I would do something that normally wouldn't cause somebody to feel that way. I was fed up with it so I made myself an appointment to be seen while I was at work. (It is so nice working at a doctors office!) We still couldn't figure it out but we tried a few different things and ran a couple tests. (Everything came back normal!) Luckily my case of "the dizzies" is going away. But it is just such so wonderful knowing that whenever we feel sick or that something is "off" with our bodies there are usually ways to figure out what is wrong and how to fix the problem. Not always...but usually! I mean...medicine is always changing and no two bodies are the exact same! I just love medicine. But maybe I'm bias ;).

So the plan is to give a short list of things I'm thankful for each week because I love November and everything about Thanksgiving!
What are some things you are thankful for this year??


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